Monday, May 4, 2009

Mobile insurance fraud?

I claimed for a mobile fone i lost, I had a few mobiles at the time, they all looked the same. When i reported the fone lost i gave the insurance company the wrong details... i gave them details off another mobile, which at the time is thought were correct. And carried on using the fone i claimed for as i didnt know at the time, that the details i gave were wrong. Now the police want to question me for fraud. I have no other offences.

Will i have a fine or maybe a caution?

Mobile insurance fraud?
Just tell the Police officer the same as you have told us, show him/her the phones and explain the mistake.. The Officer will help you resolve the problem..

I would however change phone networks, as they have treated you rather badly...
Reply:Expain to the police what you have just told us and as it is your first time being a naughty girl they should let you off with a caution....good luck.
Reply:Well if you didn't have the intent to deceive then you need to tell the police that, explain it was an innocent mistake and that you can prove that it was a mistake due to the other similar phones you have
Reply:I have 3 phones so I can understand how this happened. Explain it all to the Police and if you had no intentions of actually committing a fraud they may just forget it.
Reply:Caution !
Reply:As an officer, I can tell you I have two work phones, one personal phone, and two work pagers. I can understand the situation that your in. Explain to the officer what happened, and if you can, show proof that you did indeed own the phone that was reported lost either by a contract or bill receipts. Good luck!
Reply:just get all your details together and go down to your local police station to make a statement then when you have done this get back to insurance co and explain to them

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