Thursday, November 19, 2009

Mobile home park?

ok your told you have to move your home where it has been sitting since you moved in but now after two years they tell you ,you have thirty days to move your mobile home from a trailer park when you start checking things out you have no axels or tires and you don't even have the trailer hitch on yor trailer the owner took them off when they set the trailer up on the lot i just heard that they couldn't sell the trailers as mobile homes as they permantly set them up they can't sell them as mobile as they are not mobile .is this true.

Mobile home park?
That sounds a bit odd to me that someone would make such a request, you might want to consult with an attorney.
Reply:The wheels, axles and hitch are removed so that it can be financed. Lender wants to feel it is not going somewhere in the middle of the night. Why are you being asked to move? Usually it is because you fell behind in the park rent or are a felon.
Reply:Contact your secretary of states office, motor vehicle division, and ask these questions.

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