Monday, April 12, 2010

Does Free mobile to mobile with AT&T Wireless mean ANY MOBILE Number?

Does Free mobile to mobile with AT%26amp;T Wireless mean ANY MOBILE Number with any carrier... AT%26amp;Ts contract does no specify this...

Does Free mobile to mobile with AT%26amp;T Wireless mean ANY MOBILE Number?
No. It is only to other AT%26amp;T/Cingular users.

LOL! You can't take that to court! That's the way it is with ALL carriers. Mobile to Mobile is always within the same network as you, and has been that way for years.

Here's your link:

The key thing is where it says right in the middle of the page "Other Cingular Customers" (of course since Cingular is now AT%26amp;T again, it's AT%26amp;T customers also)

There's even this where you can find out who you can call mobile to mobile by their number :

You can check up to 5 numbers at a time.

It's just with other AT%26amp;T mobile users!

I'm sure the contract specifies it.
Reply:I used to be a customer service rep for "a wireless service provider" too, and I used to laugh at people like you.. It is clearly stated in the documentation that mobile to mobile is only with AT%26amp;T customers, it's not like they hid that in the small print. Maybe the salesperson lied to you, but should you be surprised that a salesperson lied? Being able to lie is almost a prerequisite when getting a job as a salesperson. Read the terms and conditions.. They are not written to be in your favor.. you're paying this bill or you're account is going to eventually be turned over to a collection agency, and "Bruno" will be calling you for his money. Also, you'll have to go through their mediators first before this goes to court, and even so, taking a $400 bill to court is ludicrous. Small claims are usually a few thousand dollars.
Reply:No. Mobile to mobile is only with AT%26amp;T (CIngular) customers. No carrier has free mobile to mobile with ANY carrier,or they'd go broke (well, that one lets you call like 5 of your best friends, but I mean unlimited to anyone on any network). It's always within that company's 'network' of customers. There is also a link on their web page that tells you who you can call without using your minutes..

I'm sorry, but you would have a hard time winning this case.
Reply:No unlimited mobile to mobile means that you get unlimited minutes to other ATT customers not all mobile customers. Then their would be no use for night and weekend and regular plan minutes.

permanent teeth

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